Me presenting at a show and tell, standing at a lecturn in front of a big screen probably quite nervous but having fun


Product management is where I cut my teeth in tech, and I love how it has the power to bring clarity and focus to teams and organisations. I’m an expert product manager, trainer, coach, facilitator, leader of product, service and user-centred design teams, champion for product operations, psychological safety, and communities of practice. I’m also an agile / business coach and run kick-ass workshops

Me facilitating a workshop at a rountable of dozens of 14 year old girls at Highams Park School. This was for a hackathon day in 2015 where I was acting as STEM ambassador


I run workshops, hackathons, and present in schools and colleges about careers in tech. Equality, diversity, and inclusion in STEM is hugely important to me. If you’d like to learn more then shoot me an email at

Another mug shot of me but this time I'm smiling!


To find out more about how I work, you can take a look at my very own user manual

If that doesn’t put you off, and/or you’d like to hear about my Star Trek obsession in person, then get in touch